Our Collective Think Tank
Our collective and intersectional think tank will bring us together to find ways to help with advocating for animals and people who are struggling due to systems beyond their control. If you want to join the discussion or listen in, please use the email link in the next paragraph.
Some ideas to discuss and work on: environmental racism, and diversity, equity, and inclusion, to collaborate and develop solutions to the challenging circumstances which are interwoven into all of our lives on many different levels. Through our collective collaboration, we are creating a space for open dialogue, information sharing, and strategic planning ,to work toward substantive and lasting change in the fabric of our governments, laws, and the necessary awareness and learning needed by our individual societies, to gain the public’s trust and understanding about these very critical topics.
Please contact us to share information while we are developing our programs.
We are Open to Other Programs and Possibilities
If you have any ideas you would like to see considered for this mission, please contact us to discuss.